"New Humanism" as the Worldview Basis of UNESCO Educational Strategy


  • Svitlana Sylkina


globalization, «New Humanism», transculturality, cosmopolitanism, inclusivity, dialogue, hospitality, gender equality, humanistic paradigm of education


The globalization process in culture, economics, politics, and constant development of information technology, destruction of binary, hierarchical view of the world require reconsideration of the classical humanistic paradigm. The concept of New Humanism may be considered as one of the possible variants of answer to these contemporary challenges. The article deals with the new understandingof humanism, its potential is analyzed as worldview basis of UNESCO scientific, educational and cultural programs. The author underlines that global changes in all aspects of human make new challenges to education and require a new vision of the educational process basing on the humanistic principles. It is pointed out that transculturality, dialogueness, inclusivity, cosmopolitanism, tolerance to Other, assertion of gender equality, priority of education are the main characteristics of the New Humanism. It is concluded that the primary educational task from the position of a New Humanism is formation of humanistic values such as respect of human life and dignity, equal rights and social justice, recognition of cultural and social diversity, a sense of human solidarity and collective responsibility for our common future. This is that great potential of worldview basis of UNESCO educational strategy.


Abstract views: 396



How to Cite

Sylkina, S. (2015). "New Humanism" as the Worldview Basis of UNESCO Educational Strategy. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 16(1), 220–230. Retrieved from https://philosopheducation.com/index.php/philed/article/view/533






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