Communicative Aesthetics as a Phenomenon of the Modern World
communication, aesthetics, image-making, image, design, publicity, postmodernAbstract
The author analyzes the intensity of contemporary culture that creates processes, in which the trends pointed to significant changes in the paradigm of human self-definition are observed. She pays attention to contemporary forms of culturаl and creative activity and emphasizethe extension of influence of aesthetic as an universal principle in communicative space of contemporary culture. The problem of multi-functionality, polystructurality of information presentation focused on multivariativity of interpretation of artistic culture, which to some extent has lost its autonomy and self-sufficiency, arises in the given article.
This work is an attempt to describe the breadth of the problem field and prospects of development of scientific issues related to the integration of art in everyday space, which leads to the emergence of a new disciplinary matrix that represents the theoretical reality in different ways and focused on pragmatics, epistemology, social functioning semiotics of art. Social pragmatics becomes the contemporary dimension of vision interpretation of culture, including artistic culture. The author emphasizes the problem of visual forms of arts, including spatial ones (architecture, design, publicity, fashion), which are the most stable and focused on the appropriate set of perceptions and enable determination of space of cultural creation as a space of contemporary transnational artistic experience.
Basing on the the given arguments, the author considers that it is necessary to introduct to the academic activity the disciplines that define the basis of integrative processes of the modern world in the context of philosophical outlook. Communicative (industrial and applied) aesthetics is one of such academic disciplines. Its necessity first of all is connected with that fact according to which the category of aesthetic is unifying basis for the scientific and artistic algorithms of activity. It confirms the functioning the various models of artistic design: the so-called technical aesthetics, aesthetics of design, image-making aesthetics, fashion aesthetics and ect.
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