Strategy of Global Governance of Scientific-Education Space in the Context of the Internationalization


  • Lyudmila Krymets Scientific and research laboratory of social-humanytary problems at National Defence University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.


social and philosophical analysis, scientific and educational space, social management, internationalization, strategy of management, social subject, social self-organization


Scientific and educational environment is the context, measure, and the intersection of a significant number of public administration areas. It is just a scientific and educational space, where a new personality forms who seeks as well conscious and responsible public administration and government, as the faithful implementation of the managerial will in the system of relations of power. The internationalization of scientific and educational space is defined as an integrative process, the essence of which is to enhance the role of international cooperation in all fields of scientific and educational institutions and organizations. It is made actual according to the chosen strategy to optimize international cooperation as a factor of development. There is integrative sustainable relationship between globalization and internationalization world scientific and educational space, which determines the need for comprehensive administrative influence on these processes. As well national processes as global ones in the world scientific and educational space need the adequate imperious regulation. The author highlights four levels of activization of power in the context of the internationalization of management: international, national, regional and institutional. Each of them presents the certain imperious strategy and the influence of external and internal factors. Activation of power on every levels should be aimed at identifying prospects, long-term and short-term goals and organization of scientific and educational potential for their achievements and be based on creativity, generalization of best practice and introduced innovations.

Strategic management of scientific and educational space is an important factor for the successful development of science and education in Ukraine under increasingly difficult conditions. The strategy of enhanced capacity for the internationalization of scientific and educational country space should focus as well on maintaining national scientific potential, as on the reinforcement of institutional capacity for international strategic communications; synergy of efforts of authorities, educational institutions, business and civil society to increase and optimize the presence of Ukraine in the international academic, cultural and social environment.

Author Biography

Lyudmila Krymets, Scientific and research laboratory of social-humanytary problems at National Defence University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

candidate of philosophy sciences, senior scientific officer


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How to Cite

Krymets, L. (2015). Strategy of Global Governance of Scientific-Education Space in the Context of the Internationalization. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 17(2), 193–209. Retrieved from






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