Intelligent Orienting Points for Modernization of Higher Education in Ukraine


  • Olena Lazorenko H.Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


«knowledge societies», knowledge, information, modernization of higher education, European education policy


Theoretical studies of Ukrainian direction in European «modernization agenda» of high school need intelligent guides. The concept of «knowledge society» as a factor of social development and sustainable and inclusive economic growth should be understood as the certain methodological foundation for such studies. The author analyzes the origins of the terms as “knowledge society” and “nowledge societies”, emphasizing the importance of knowledge as a fundamental factor not only for education but also for politics, economics, adult education and culture of contemporary society. It is given the brief description of relevant documents in the field of educational public policy, namely: “Education and Training Strategy 2020” (European Commission); “Modernization Agenda for European Higher Education System” (European Union), as well as Incheon Declaration provided by 2015 World Education Forum. All these documents may be also mportant signs for the development of Ukrainian education public policy, strategies and practical training in the future.

Author Biography

Olena Lazorenko, H.Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

President (Head of the Board) position at Ukrainian NGO “League of Professional Women”(LPW)


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Abstract views: 445



How to Cite

Lazorenko, O. (2015). Intelligent Orienting Points for Modernization of Higher Education in Ukraine. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 17(2), 182–192. Retrieved from






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