The History of Ukrainian Pedagogues' Knowledge of the methodology “Philosophy for Children”


  • Nadiya Adamenko
  • Yuliya Kravchenko


philosophy, philosophy for children, philosophizing, methods, critical thinking, education, reflexive learning, dialogue


The review describes the research events about the methodology “Philosophy for Children” committed by scholars of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University from 2009 to 2015. In particular, these are trainings, experimental lessons at schools, participation in conferences and traineeships. These events are aimed the promoting and spreading of the reflexive methodology in Ukrainian education. The article shows the importance of international experience for its study, including the deepening of scientific contacts with Jin Wann Park (South Korea), Donna Burk (USA) and others. The first significant event of presentation of methodology “Philosophy for Children” in Ukraine was the International
scientific and practical seminar “Changes of the education reference points in Ukrainian pedagogy” or “M. Lipman's Program “Philosophy for Children”: adaptation of international experience in the Ukrainian pedagogy” (October, 28–30, 2011). The authors pay attention to the importance of methodology “Philosophy for children” for preparation of future teachers, reconsideration of their professional experience, formation of children's critical thinking. The authors have created the milestone “Philosophy for Children” in the journal
“Філософія освіти/ Philosophy of Education” as a way of popularization of the proposed methodology. They proceed from the fact according to which that methods for teaching to philosophize (the development of critical and creative thinking skills) is an invaluable means for understanding her/his own uniqueness, and movement towards each other, which is especially important in today's globalized world.

Author Biographies

Nadiya Adamenko

сandidate of philosophical sciences, Associated Professor, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.

Yuliya Kravchenko

сandidate of philosophical sciences, Associated Professor, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Abstract views: 447



How to Cite

Adamenko, N., & Kravchenko, Y. (2014). The History of Ukrainian Pedagogues’ Knowledge of the methodology “Philosophy for Children”. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 15(2). Retrieved from






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