Philosophy’s Pedagogy in the Age of Knowledge Cultures


  • Michael PETERS
  • Peter JANDRIĆ


educational philosophy, dialogue, philosophy as pedagogy, epistemology, big data, digital postcolonialism, universalism, cybernetic capitalism, openness, col(labor)ation, knowledge cultures, collective intelligence, creative labor


This conversation is an abbreviated version of the articles “Philosophy of education in the age of digital reason” (Peters & Jandrić, 2015a) and “Learning, creative col(labor)ation, and knowledge cultures” (Peters & Jandrić, 2015b). The conversation is preceded with a dedicated Open Letter to Ukrainian Philosophers of Education, co-authored by Michael Peters,
Tina Besley, and Petar Jandrić. In the first part of the conversation, Michael Peters discusses his philosophy of education in and for the age of digital media and places his work in three interlocked themes: philosophy, political knowledge economy, and academic publishing. The second part of the conversation introduces the notion of “philosophy as pedagogy” and Michael Peters discusses his philosophy of education in and for the age of digital postcolonialism, introduces Michael Peters’ lifelong fascination with Ludwig Wittgenstein, and analyses the advent of knowledge cultures and their relationships to human learning. The fourth part analyses the dynamics between openness, capitalism, and anti-capitalism, and uses various recent examples to link that dynamics to democracy. The fifth part of the conversation links cybernetic capitalism to learning and knowledge production, and elaborates the movement of open education. The final, sixth part of the conversation explores practical and epistemic consequences of peer-to-peer and wisdomof-
the-group approaches. It shows that doing science is a privilege and a responsibility, and points towards transformation of academic labor from perpetuation of capitalism towards subversion.


Abstract views: 389



How to Cite

PETERS, M., & JANDRIĆ, P. (2014). Philosophy’s Pedagogy in the Age of Knowledge Cultures. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 15(2). Retrieved from






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