Yurii Mielkov



Dr.Hab. / Ph.D in Philosophy, Senior Researcher, Leading research fellow of the Department of social and institutional transformations in higher education, Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)

ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-8186-0357

Scopus ID: 57224948590

Google Scholar ID: LQGHb-wAAAAJ

Web of Science ResearcherID: AAC-6093-2019

Email: uka7777@gmail.com

Research Interests

Philosophy of science and humanities, philosophy of education, practical philosophy, philosophy of democracy, philosophy of values

Major Grants

2001–2004 INTAS international interdisciplinary project Human strategies in complexity (Austria, Russia, Germany, Ukraine);

2009–2010 Russian Academy of Sciences / National Adademy of Sciences of Ukraine International research project Transformation of Senses and Values as a Factor of Transition to Innovation Society (Russia, Ukraine)

Academic Publications

More than 220 papers published, including:


  1. Mielkov Yu. Fact in Post-non-classical Science (In Russian), Kiev: Parapan Publisher, 2004, 224 p.
  2. Mielkov Yu. Human-dimensionality in Post-non-classical Science (In Russian), Kiev: Parapan Publisher, 2014, 254 p.
  3. Mielkov Yu., Tollstoukhov A., Parapan I. The Many-faced Democracy. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016. 282 p.

Major Articles:

  1. Zinchenko V., Mielkov Yu., Polishchuk O., Derevinskyi V., Trynyak M., Iehupov M., Salnikova N. (2024). Human dimension of Open Science and the challenges of AI technologies. E3S Web Conferences, Volume 474 X International Annual Conference “Industrial Technologies and Engineering” (ICITE 2023), 02008.
  2. Mielkov Yu. (2023). The Paradigm of Open Science and Democratization of the Research Activity of Universities. Paradigm of Knowledge, Vol. 3, No. 57. P. 50–61.
  3. Mielkov Yu. (2023). Open Science and Humanism: Decolonization of Knowledge and Fractality of Identities. Social Sciences and Humanities, (9), 20.
  4. Mielkov Yu. (2022). Knowledge in the Age of Information: Human Values in Science and Higher Education. New Explorations: Studies in Culture and Communication, 2(3). Special Edition: Digital Humanism and the Future of Humanity, 28–39.
  5. Mielkov Yu. (2022). Open Science: from Theory to Practices (Ukrainian and Chinese perspectives). Philosophy of Education, 28(2). С. 102–117.
  6. Mielkov Yu. (2021). From Nation State to Human Person: The Evolution of Sovereignty. The Ideology and Politics Journal, Issue 1(17), 8–21.
  7. Mielkov Yu., Bakhov, I., Bilyakovska, O., Kostenko, L., & Nych, T. (2021). Higher Education Strategies for the 21st Century: Philosophical Foundations and the Humanist Approach. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 14(33), e15524.
  8. Mielkov Yu. (2021). The Notion of ‘Open Science’: its Values and Meaning for the Higher Education System. Philosophy of Education, 27(2), 8–23.
  9. Mielkov Yu. (2020). From sustainable development to degrowth: philosophical and educational strategies for sustainability. Philosophy of Education, 26(1), 37–53.
  10. Mielkov Yu. Human-Dimensionality and Values of Higher Education: Strategies for The Future of Complexity and Sustainable Development // Philosophy of Education, 2019, Vol. 24, Iss. 1, P. 79–96.
  11. Mielkov Yu. Non-state Higher Education: History, Perspectives, and Humanist Intentions (in Russian) // Practical Philosophy, 2019, Iss 2, P. 70–76.
  12. Mielkov Yu. Democracy as a Subject of Philosophical Investigations: Theoretical Ideal vs. Political Practice // Revista Kasmera, 2019, Vol. 47, No. 1, P. 33–44.
  13. Mielkov Yu., Bijura I. Academic Culture and the Challenges for Academic Integrity (In Ukrainian), In: Academic Papers of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 2018, Iss. 1(55), P. 5–23.
  14. Mielkov Yu. Unity, Plurality and Fractality of Culture in the Contemporary World (in Ukrainian), In: Humanitarian Visions, 2016, Iss.2(4), P. 93–98.
  15. Mielkov Iu. Human Personality in the Complex World: Pluralism of Identities and the Problem of World-Attitude, In: Likarska Sprava, 2017, Iss. 7 (1144), P. 168–174.
  16. Mielkov Iu. Post-non-Classical Science as the Cognition of the Concrete (In Ukrainian), In: Human Person in the Complex World: Coll. of papers. Sumy, 2017, P. 212–228.
  17. Mielkov Iu. Human Person in Post-non-classical Scientific World Picture (In Ukrainian), In: Philosophy of Education, 2015, Iss. 2, P. 222–234.
  18. Mielkov Iu. The Hierarchy of Values in the Contemporary Science, In: Review of European Studies. 2016, Vol. 8, No. 2, P. 149–158.
  19. Mielkov Iu. The Multi-Dimensionality of Lingual Space and Proliferation of Cultural Identities: From Nationalism to Internationalism (In Russian), In: The Language And The Contemporary Cultural Space (Towards the180 years jubilee of O. Potebnya): Proceedings of the Conference. Kiev, 2015, P. 7–14.
  20. Mielkov Iu. The Becoming of Human Person as the Subject of Cognition During the Formation of Classical Science (In Ukrainan), In: Philosophical Problems of Humanities, 2014, Iss. 24, P. 38–43.
  21. Mielkov Iu. Ethical Dimension of Post-non-classical Science (in Ukrainian), In: Academic Herald of Chernivtsi University, 2014, Iss. 707. Philosophy, P. 254–258.
  22. Mielkov Iu. The Crisis Of Systemacy and Human-Dimensionality: Evaluating Options for the Future, In: Civilization at the Crossroads: Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences / European meetings on cybernetics and system research. Vienna, 2014, P. 794–797.
  23. Mielkov Iu. Human-commensurable systems: from complexity to harmony. In: Systems. Connecting matter, life, culture and technology. 2013, Vol. 1, Iss. 1, P. 79–94.
  24. Mielkov Iu. ‘The Rose of the World’ as the Problem of Philosophical Thought (In Russian), In: NB: Philological Investigations. 2013, Iss. 4, P. 34–71.
  25. Mielkov Iu. The Ideal and the Goal of Education in the Hierarchy of Cultural Values (in Ukrainian), In: Philosophy of Education, 2012, Iss. 1-2, P. 211–222.
  26. Mielkov Iu. Hierarchy of Goals and Values: the Limits of Self-Organization (in Russian), In: Herald of Dniepropetrovsk University, 2012. Vol. 20, Iss. 9/2. Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science, Iss. 22(4), P. 118–125.
  27. Mielkov Iu. The Measure of Happiness and Social Ideals (in Russian), In: Socretes: Magazine of Philosophy, Moscow, 2012, Iss. 4, P. 96–101.
  28. Melkov Iu., Tolstoukhov A. Development of Today’s Democracy: People, Power, and Human Personality, In: Democracia Hoje. Democracy Today / Marta Nunes da Costa (ed.). Braga, Portugal : Húmus, 2012, P. 223–234.
  29. Mielkov Iu. Post-Non-Classical World Picture: the Completeness of the World as the World of Human, In: Totallogy–XXI. Post-non-classical Investigations, 2012, Iss. 27, P. 262–275.
  30. Mielkov Iu. Innovation Society and its Sense, Value, and Moral grounds (In Russian), In: Totallogy–XXI: Post-non-classical Investigations, Kiev, 2010, No. 23, P. 133–150.
  31. Mielkov Iu. Contradictions of Morals and Ethos in the Contest of Development of Social Morals (In Russian), In: Social Ethics: Theoretical and Applied problems: Coll. Articles. Kiev, Kiev University press, 2010, P. 77–87.
  32. Mielkov Iu., Tostloukhov A. Philosophical Foundations for Democracy: A Ukrainian Perspective, In: TripleC: Cognition, Communication, Co-operation. 2009, Vol .7, No. 1, P. 12–24.
  33. Mielkov Iu. Practical Philosophy as the Ideality of Everydayness (In Russian), In: Practical Philosophy, Kiev, 2009, No. 1, P. 80–88.
  34. Mielkov Iu. Virtual Reality as a Phenomenon of Culture (In Russian), In the book: Theoretical Virtualistics: New problems, approaches, and solutions / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy. Moscow: Nauka, 2008, P. 110–139.
  35. Mielkov Iu. On the Correlation of Post-non-classics and Post-Modern as Phenomena of the Contemporary Culture (In Russian), In: Totallogy–XXI. Post-non-classical Investigations, Kiev, 2008, Iss. 20, P. 121–130.
  36. Mielkov Iu. ‘Kiev School of Philosophy’: Major Ideas and Peculiar Features (In Russian), In: Herald of National Aviation University, Series: Philosophy, Cultural Sudies, Kiev, 2008, No, 2(8), P. 43–47
  37. Myelkov Yu. Post-Soviet Society: The New Middle Ages (In Russian), In: Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, Kiev, 2008, No. 3, P. 183–193.
  38. Myelkov Yu. Democracy and Rationality (In Ukrainian), In: Practical Philosophy, Kiev, 2007, No. 3, P. 98–109.
  39. Myelkov Yu., Tolstoukhov A., Parapan I. Ukrainian Philosophy: Today’s Conditions and Perspectives for the Development (In Russian), In: Practical Philosophy, Kiev, 2006, No. 4, P. 3–16.
  40. Myelkov Yu. Personality as the Subject of Social Self-organization, In the book: Cultural Context of Social Self-Organization. Kiev: Kiev Taras Shevcnehko National University, 2006, P. 72–82.
  41. Myelkov Iu. Practical Philosophy in the Information Society (In Russian), Practical Philosophy, 2006, No. 1, P. 3–13.
  42. Myelkov Yu., Tolstoukhov A. Philosophical Considerations of the Democracy (In Russian), In: Philosophical Disciplines, Moscow, 2006, No. 4, P. 17–34.
  43. Myelkov Yu. Nature as the Subject of Philosophy; Philosophical Foundations for Comprehending the Co-evolution of Human and Nature (In Ukrainian), In the book: Philosophy of Nature / Anatoliy Tolstoukhov, Yuriy Myelkov, Sergiy Yahodzinskiy, and others, Kiev, Parapan Publisher, 2006, P. 9–32.
  44. Myelkov Yu. Filosofia della pratica e visione realistico-concreta del mondo // Discipline Filosofiche. 2005, Anno XV, Numero 1, P. 255–274.
  45. Myelkov Yu., Dobronravova I. Overcoming Classical Dichotomies of Science and Humanities, In the book: Towards Otherland. Languages of Science and Languages Beyond / Ed. by Rainer Zimmermann and Vladimir Budanov. Kassel: Kassel University Press, 2005, P. 129–142.
  46. Myelkov Yu. The Dialectics of Maria Zlotina, In: TripleC: Cognition, Communication, Co-operation, 2004, Iss. 1, Vol. 2, N. 2, P. 74–91.
  47. Myelkov Yu. From Explanation to Understanding: the Paradigm Shift in Visioning the Factuality, In the book: Science of Self-organization and Self-organization of Science / Ed. by Iryna Dobronravova and Wolfgang Hofkirchner. Kiev: Abris Publishers, 2004, P. 48–58.
  48. Myelkov Yu. Philosophy of Practice and Practical Philosophy (In Russian), In: Practical Philosophy, Kiev, 2004, No. 3, P. 119–138
  49. Myelkov Yu. The Personality Approach in Culture and Weltanschauung (In Russian), In: Christian Thought, Kiev, 2004, No. 1, P. 102–106
  50. Myelkov Yu. Post-non-classical Science: From Explanation to Understanding (In Russian), In: Sententiae, Vinnitsa, 2004, No. 1, P. 213–219.
  51. Myelkov Yu. Maria Zlotina and Her Dialectics (In Russian), In the book: Zlotina M. L. Dialectics / Ed. by Yuriy Myelkov. – Kiev. : Institute of Philosophy, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2004, P. 9–46.
  52. Myelkov Yu. The Spontaneity of Emergent Events and the Formation of Facts, In the book: Causality, Emergence, Self-Organization / Ed. by Vladimir Arshinov and Christian Fuchs. Moscow: NIA-Priroda Publishers, 2003, P. 76–84.