Science as an invariable attribute of civilization development

Review of Volodymyr Melnyk’s monograph “Civilizational inquiries and the phenomenon of science”




Volodymyr Melnyk, “Civilizational inquiries and the phenomenon of science”, philosophy of science, civilization


The review is devoted to the analysis of Volodymyr Melnyk’s new monograph “Civilizational Inquiries and the Phenomenon of Science”, devoted to the place of science in modern society. The place of a modern university in the development of science is defined.

Author Biography

Anatoliy Pavko, Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Doctor of historical sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific Work; outstanding educator of Ukraine, laureate of the M. Hrushevsky award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, Honored Local Historian of Ukraine, Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine


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Melnyk, V. (2022). Civilizational inquiries and the phenomenon of science: [monograph]. Lviv: Ivan Franko national university of Lviv.

Ryzhak, L. (2009). Philosophy as a reflection of the spirit: Tutorial. Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU Publishing Center.

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Abstract views: 290



How to Cite

Pavko, A. (2024). Science as an invariable attribute of civilization development: Review of Volodymyr Melnyk’s monograph “Civilizational inquiries and the phenomenon of science”. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 29(2), 245–254.






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