Poles’ National Character in Philosophical and Pedagogical Explorations on the Turn of XIX-XX Centuries (on materials of Julian Leopold Ochorowicz scientific heritage)

(transl. from Polish by M. Kultaieva)





pedagogy, Julian Ochorowicz, national character, psychohistory, rudiments, interdisciplinary approach, philosophy, education


There is proposed the analysis of conceptual foundations in researching of Poles’ national character on materials of Julian Leopold Ochorowicz (1850-1917) scientific heritage connected with philosophical and pedagogical implications of his ideas. Ochorowicz’s contribution to interdisciplinary approach on Poles’ national character is emphasizing. The heuristically potential of this approach is explicated using reconstruction and systemizing of his views, which had played a significant role in determining intentionality in discussions on the matter «What philosophy do Poles need?” for the successful self-statement in their national being. Critically evaluating of this experience there is combined with verifying of his theoretical assumptions that should be actual also in Ukrainian social and cultural contexts. Ochorowicz belongs to the group of outstanding Polish scholars with wide scientific interests and original achievements. This article presents his research on history perceived as a collective psychological process. In Poland, Ochorowicz should be regarded as a precursor of psychohistory. An important role in his conception is played by the theory of the so-called residual symptoms, on the basis of which he developed the concept of Poles’ national character with its educational implications. The question about the rudiments of our national character sharpens in border situations, in which those traits, previously presented in a declarative form, are verified. The strength of a nation is encoded in the irreal sphere, i.e. in the sphere of values around which people group themselves.

Author Biography

Sławomir Sztobryn, Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski (Poland)

Dr. hab. in Pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Sztobryn, S. (2024). Poles’ National Character in Philosophical and Pedagogical Explorations on the Turn of XIX-XX Centuries (on materials of Julian Leopold Ochorowicz scientific heritage): (transl. from Polish by M. Kultaieva). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 29(2), 198–209. https://doi.org/10.31874/2309-1606-2023-29-2-13






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