Aesthetic-cultural education of personality in the age of multiculturalism: social-philosophical aspect




aesthetics, culture, education system, multiculturalism, education, personality, pedagogical approaches, society


The article deals with the issue of aesthetic and cultural education in the age of multiculturalism, which is relevant for modern pedagogy. The connections between culture and education, the growth of the role of aesthetic and cultural education and the training of a future specialist are considered, according to which the emphasis is shifted from traditional pedagogy to the development of aesthetic and cultural education of a comprehensively developed personality. It is noted that modern pedagogy considers culture and aesthetics as an auxiliary means of influencing the student, as well as the formation of his aesthetic and cultural instructions. In the article, based on the study of aesthetic and cultural education of the individual in the modern age, it is carried out in the context of multiculturalism and the synthesis of approaches from the point of view of socialization and the transition of society from traditional to modern in the conditions of globalization/polyconfessionality/transformation and the peculiarities of education in conditions of war and in the period of aggravation of social confrontations - from the standpoint of resistance to attempts to change the world order by force in the conditions of the clash of barbarism and civilization. Aesthetic and cultural education in the age of multiculturalism can serve as an example of social and cultural support for the development of individual skills and competencies. Aesthetic education has been known since ancient times. Support for aesthetic development can be based on a system of activities aimed at the activity mediation of knowledge, which opens up the possibility of their transformation into skills, creating favorable conditions for the formation of relevant competencies. In the age of multiculturalism and globalization, values are changing in favor of world/ western/modern ones, which are based on the observance of laws as the basis of the social order and educate socially mature, morally prepared and patriotic members of society. It is summarized that numerous definitions of the concept of “multiculturalism” can be classified into: historical and social, which shows the presence of ethnic and religious diversification in society; culturally diverse – the presence of cultural and spiritual understanding of the individual; political and economic – as a dependence on the economic and social situation; pedagogic-social-state – as a program of education in the state; globalist – as interconnected with modern processes of societies and civilizations.

Author Biography

Olga Gold, Mesopolhis, Aix-Marseille université (France)

PhD. Research interests: multiculturalism, cultural education, philosophy, social philosophy, philosophy of history, sociology, pedagogy.


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How to Cite

Gold, O. (2023). Aesthetic-cultural education of personality in the age of multiculturalism: social-philosophical aspect. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 29(1), 236–248.






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