Controversies in the Ukrainian field of philosophy of educatio




controversy, philosophy of education, Ukrainian philosophy of education, discourse, paradigm, representation, interaction, education for peace, relations, institutional system, education reform, toxic space


In order to establish and outline the current state of Ukrainian philosophy of education as a scientific philosophical direction and at the same time a social institutional system that has emerged in Ukraine during the last three decades, a “controversial” approach is used, a method of studying controversies or disputed points, contradictions and tensions between representations and discourses regarding education A working definition of controversy is formulated as an intermediate category that contributes to overcoming gaps between the object of research and the research position in a situation of contradiction and tension between representations and discourses around a certain object, which is expressed in open or hidden debates, disputes, etc. and which characterized by zones of uncertainty regarding the “trajectory“ of this object. An attempt is made to catalog the controversies of the philosophy of education. The controversies of the hypostases of the philosophy of education, reforms of Ukrainian education are considered; interaction between education and philosophy of education in the system of “dirty systems”; toxic spaces in education and the action of the Lucifer effect (F. Zimbardo) in them as the metamorphosis of good into evil. The precedent of the loss of reputation by a group of scientists representing the field of philosophy of education is discussed. The progress of the Ukrainian philosophy of education is noted and its tasks are outlined in the research of social relations in education, the sphere of relations between subjects of education, toxic spaces in education. The “controversial” approach provides an opportunity to bring the philosophy of education closer to the subjects of education, involving them in the study of tensions between discourses and representations that they create and formulate.

Author Biography

Serhii Klepko, scientist (Poltava)

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, docent


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How to Cite

Klepko, S. (2023). Controversies in the Ukrainian field of philosophy of educatio. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 29(1), 153–179.






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