The Origins and Principles of Kant's Pragmatic Anthropology


  • Victor Kozlovskyi National University “Kyiv – Mohyla Academy“



freedom, human nature, pragmatic anthropology, world, human game, cosmopolitism, scientific methods of perceiving a human, physical geography, psychology, рedagogic, metaphysics


This article examines Kant’s pragmatic anthropology as a specific model of perceiving a human, his nature which German philosopher started to elaborate in the beginning of 1770s. This issue found its reflections in the new course of university lectures on pragmatic anthropology that Kant read before his retirement in 1796. Basic ideas of this academic course Kant has presented in his treatise “Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View” (1798) which highlights a new model of studying human nature. Based on the thorough analysis of this particular tractate and on the materials for the lectures, as well as Kant’s notes, the research on conceptual differences between pragmatic anthropology model and other human studies that German philosopher developed in his transcendental philosophy, as well as in metaphysic and naturalistic subjects, which he also taught in University of Königsberg, can be conducted. Theoretical backgrounds that enabled genesis of pragmatic view on a human are a part of this investigation. On this connection, a special attention is paid to the role of physical geography, its conceptual language in the genesis of pragmatic view on a human. It was physical geography, which Kant taught long before a new model of anthropology, which has led to a gradual metaphysical interpretation of Kant's view on a human, his soul and freedom. Conceptual matter of pragmatic anthropology model, its connection to perceiving a human as an active subject who with his own efforts constitutes his own nature, which, in its turn, is the part of the nature, is studied. Basic concepts of Kant’s anthropology are analyzed in this regard; their dissimilarities to empirical and moral dimensions with the help of which German philosopher is trying to answer the question: “What a human is?” are deliberated on. However, the answer to this question is fundamentally differing from the answers offered by Kant's pragmatic anthropology. Anthropological ideas of the German philosopher have essentially affected its pedagogical doctrine.

Author Biography

Victor Kozlovskyi, National University “Kyiv – Mohyla Academy“

PhD in philosophy, Associate professor of Department of Philosophy and Religion, National University   “Kyiv – Mohyla  Academy“.


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How to Cite

Kozlovskyi, V. (2016). The Origins and Principles of Kant’s Pragmatic Anthropology. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 19(2), 140–154.






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