Development Perspectives of Faith-based Higher Education among Protestants (on the example of NGO “EATA”)




education, faith-based higher educational institutions, standards of education, Protestants, recognition of faith-based education


A historic review of the emergence of domestic faith-based higher education institutions founded by the Protestants is proposed, from informal and underground presence to full participation in the educational realm. Best achievements worth scaling are systematized. Best accomplishments of the public organization "Evangelical Accreditation Theological Association" in terms of performing the functions provided by the unrealized provisions of Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Search for Education" on independent institutions for evaluation and quality assurance of higher education are examined. In the official letter, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on July 5, 2018, under № 1/9-421 addressed to the leaders of all higher education institutions, there is a list of 230 ‘faith-based’ schools, with about 44 % qualifying as Protestant. Historically it was the Protestant Branch of Christianity that laid foundational principles even in the world-recognized Universities like Harvard. Quality assurance is being declared as one of the top priorities of Ukraine’s development. At the same time within almost 30 years, none of the Ukrainian Universities made it to the top of world rankings. At the same within almost 30 years of Ukraine’s Independence, Protestants of Ukraine were able to establish their own network of education institutions without any governmental financing. Thus best achievements are to be identified and scaled to the whole Ukraine. Faith-based educational institutions founded by the Protestants of Ukraine in their early years applied American educational standards. Level of awareness is still low, thus any research in this area will have scientific novelty by default. The research objective is to identify ways of development among the Protestants on the example of NGO “EATA”. Two possible scenarios are proposed: 1) a preferred way when Agency acquires State and International recognition as agency that is licensed to issue accreditation to educational institutions, and 2) less preferred way one Agency serves inner Christian circles, author argues against that approach.

Author Biography

Ivan Kunderenko, Rivne ‘Faith-based’ Seminary and Academy

MA in theology (Donetsk Christian University), MA in intercultural studies (Nyack College, USA), Master of management (Rivne State University of Humanities), instructor


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Abstract views: 348



How to Cite

Kunderenko, I. (2021). Development Perspectives of Faith-based Higher Education among Protestants (on the example of NGO “EATA”). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 26(2), 25–42.






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