Round table «Co-generative knowledge: theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects»

(National University “Odessa Maritime Academy,” 14 June 2019)




new Enlightenment, co-generative knowledge, uman-dimensional educational technologies, critical thinking, educated person, philosophical and psychological educational practices


In November 2018 in the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy,” the first round-table discussion “Co-generative Knowledge: Humanism, Innovation, Self-education” was held. One of the inspirations for the discussion was The Club of Rome's 50th-anniversary report calling for “New Enlightenment,” the transformation of thought, knowledge, and education. The Department of Philosophy, together with the International Academy of Psychosynergetics and Alphology (IAPA) presented the new interdisciplinary scientific and educational project with the primary aim of finding and implementing human- and culture-dimensional educational technologies, combining knowledge with human life practices.

The second round-table discussion held at NU OMA on 14 June 2019, involved educators and researchers from universities of Dnipro, Kyiv, Odesa, and Kharkiv. Various theoretical and practical issues of education, thinking, knowledge, and cognition were discussed as related to the concept of co-generative knowledge. Educators and researchers shared their insights on the societal needs in the human-dimensional paradigm of social development; on the features of modern philosophical and scientific thinking, axiological aspects of knowledge, and humanistic intentions of education. The subjects of the discussion were critical and integrated thinking, the problem of systematicity of knowledge in modern education, creative construction of educational process, the use of systemic methodology in teaching philosophical disciplines. The discussion was specifically focused on the problem of formation of an educated person, discovering the resources for his creativity and self-creation. The participants stressed the heuristic potential of philosophical knowledge and the need to adjust the content of Philosophy courses in order to reveal it, the importance of creating humanitarian educational practices based on Philosophy, in particular, philosophical and psychological ones. It was emphasised that they will not only promote individualisation of educational process, but foster students’ and teachers’ self-knowledge and self-actualisation.

The participants have come to a conclusion that the concept of co-generative knowledge reveals the unity of thinking, knowledge, values and practice of human existence. The heuristic potential of the concept was revealed in historical, socio-political, as well as philosophical and psychological aspects. The alternative theoretical and methodological positions presented by the participants support the need for ongoing discussion on co-generative knowledge, thinking, and education.

Round Table Leaders: Irina Donnikova, Natalуa Kryvtsova.

Round table participants: Oleg Punchenko, Nataliia Savinova, Volodymyr Khmil, Alla Nerubasska, Anatolii Malivskyi, Ivan Zagrijchuk, Ievgeniia Ivanova, Pavlo Maiboroda, Yuriy Mielkov, Olga Pavlova, Sergiy Antonyuk, Andrij Serebryakov


Author Biographies

Irina Donnikova, National University "Odessa Maritime Academy"

D.Sc. of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy

Natalya Kryvtsova, Odessa National Medical University

PhD in Psychology; Founder and Director of the LLC “International academy of psychosynergetics and alphalogy”; the psychologist of the center for preparation and passing of the OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination)


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How to Cite

Donnikova, I., & Kryvtsova, N. (2020). Round table «Co-generative knowledge: theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects»: (National University “Odessa Maritime Academy,” 14 June 2019). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 25(2), 169–210.



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