Scientific and Practical Problems. To the Question about Motivation for the Study of the Sciences


  • Grigory B. Gutner St. Philaret Christian Orthodox Institute



Scientific problem, Object, Wonderment, Everyday life, Tool


The question about the motivation of students at all levels of education in the study of various scientific disciplines is discussed. Lack of motivation is often happened due to the fact that scientific problems are by their nature very different from those, which a person facing in her/his everyday practice. The scientific problem arises when the outside world is allocated into the object to which  a person have totally non-pragmatic research interest. Usually everyday tasks are associated with the attainment of specific practical aims. The specifics of everyday tasks are researched in this article. For this Analytics of Dasein, which is developed by Martin Heidegger, is involved. The world of everyday life is described as a set of "Zuhanden" in the horizon of which a human being opens up a variety of vital possibilities. These possibilities involve the use of objects as tools. The scientific problem arises when in this set of tools something wondrous is found. It is the wonderment which turns the thing into an object. It is shown that wonderment is an "existential" on the one hand, akin to terror, and on the other hand, opposite to him. Horror, according to Heidegger, arises when one confronts with nothing, while the wonderment accompanies the opening of being. The connection of horror and wonderment at the emergence of scientific problems is demonstrated on the example of the scientific biographies of Descartes and Einstein.

Author Biography

Grigory B. Gutner, St. Philaret Christian Orthodox Institute

D.Sc., Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Science, Head of Department of Philosophy, St. Philaret Christian Orthodox Institute.


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How to Cite

Gutner, G. B. (2016). Scientific and Practical Problems. To the Question about Motivation for the Study of the Sciences. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 19(2), 27–47.






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