Functional load of culture and art in the existence of man due to existential pragmatism




culture, art, man, the meaning of existence, functional load


The paradox of the existence of something that was presented in the experience of man is that every phenomenon is variable and unchanging at one time. Consequently, it becomes clear why the relevance of the study of "eternal" questions, which it seemed could be found unambiguously, is constantly maintained. And so stop any searches by establishing the truth. At least the research is always in changing circumstances and conditions, and therefore their acquisitions constantly highlight different faces of the same. This statement, of course, also applies to the phenomenon of culture and art. Being irrefutable companions of the existence of man as a personality, and on the other hand - in its plural, these phenomena are constantly changing.

Meanwhile, the establishment of their optimal functional load in the discrete period of human existence promotes the fullest possible orientation of the last in the current being. In particular, it allows us to form, so to speak, a productive impression of the permanent content of the existence of both: a particular person and the human community as a whole. This way helps people to maximally use their efforts and energy throughout their existence, directing them to the path of self-realization (implementation of their own projects) and (self) improvement.

Therefore, the main focus of the article is on understanding culture as such an existential continuum of man / mankind, which is at the same time a "creation" of a subject different from man and a "product" of the creative activity of man in his own weight. In this case, culture appears to be some global and profound cause of social improvement and (or degradation) of man / mankind, since it is somehow opposed to the pure nature of man. That is, there is a certain incompatibility between the pure nature of man and the cultural form of its existence, which gives rise to stress, and the latter becomes the driving force for change. Art, in this case, serves as a kind of intermediary between the integral, that is, perfect in the context of any value-moral system, and ordinary person. In addition, art is a kind of litmus test that allows you to determine the level of "toxicity" of the cultural environment in particular.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Kaluha, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences (Doctor of Philosophy), professor of department of International Relations and Social Sciences


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Abstract views: 624



How to Cite

Kaluha, V. (2019). Functional load of culture and art in the existence of man due to existential pragmatism. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 24(1), 142–153.






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