Democracy in education: an ideal being or a pedagogical reality?




education, democracy, democracy in education


This article is dedicated to the presentation and analysis of the results of the Democracy in Education survey (February 2019) conducted within the project “Development of a Culture of Democracy in Teacher Education in Ukraine, Norway and Palestine”. The research is one of a comprehensive attempt to analyze the range of definitions of democracy in education, visions of its place in the educational environment, and the obstacles to implementing democracy in the teacher training process. The analysis showed that there were some challenges - the dominance of a "thin" understanding of democracy among the Ukrainian educational community and teaching about democracy, the presence of the Soviet system's rudiments in the modern educational environment, the presence of some alienation of knowledge about democracy and narrowing them to a separate discipline. So, there is a need in developing strategies for overcoming them.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Matusevych, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD in Philosophy of Education, Head of the International Cooperation Office, Associate Professor at the Social Philosophy,  Philosophy of Education and Educational Policy Department

Larysa Kolesnyk, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD in Philosophy of Education, Head of the International Cooperation Office, Associate Professor at the Social Philosophy,  Philosophy of Education and Educational Policy Department


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How to Cite

Matusevych, T., & Kolesnyk, L. (2019). Democracy in education: an ideal being or a pedagogical reality?. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 24(1), 115–127.






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