Philosophy of successful Finnish education

(review of P. Sahlberg’s Book «Finnish lessons 2.0»)


  • Valentyn Mihailovich Pomohaibo Poltava Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after M.V. Ostrogradsky



educational system, reform, curriculum, evaluation, inclusive education, professional autonomy of teachers, diversity of teaching methods, architecture of school premises, personalized teaching


The Finnish experience of creating successful education underlies the current efforts to reform the Ukrainian school. As a result, an analytical review of the book "Finnish Lessons 2.0" by the well-known Finnish teacher Pasi Sahlberg has been undertaken to promote the availability of ideas and tools for the successful reform of the education system in Finland for the largest number of Ukrainian teachers. This book shows the path of Finland "from a poor and poorly educated agrarian country to a modern knowledge society with an effective educational system and an innovative world-class environment. The strategic ideal of Finnish society was the expansion of the accessibility of education - from early childhood to the highest scientific levels and adult learning "[Sahlberg, 2015: 18].

Today, the education system, even in most developed countries, is hit by a crisis, which consists in the inability to provide children with a qualitative education. The experience of Finland suggests a way to improve education not on the basis of market relations - standardization, increased competition, increasing the volume of educational information, regular testing, strengthening of reporting on learning outcomes. Ukrainian teachers who have the usual didactic and methodological skills and classical beliefs about the functions of the teacher in the educational process perceive this experience as paradoxical: every Finnish teacher has a master's degree; schooling is carried out with the principle of "learning less - knowing more"; A successful lesson is one in which the students speak more than the teacher; standardized testing of students is absent until the final 9th ​​grade of the basic school; In the educational process there is no competition between pupils, classes, teachers, schools. The Finnish school is dominated by personalized teaching with creative teaching methods, because in reality the success of each student is determined by his or her individual characteristics and capabilities.

Author Biography

Valentyn Mihailovich Pomohaibo, Poltava Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after M.V. Ostrogradsky

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher on the specialty "Genetics", Associate Professor at the Department of Biology, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Economics of Education


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Abstract views: 1834



How to Cite

Pomohaibo, V. M. (2018). Philosophy of successful Finnish education: (review of P. Sahlberg’s Book «Finnish lessons 2.0»). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 23(2), 270–282.






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