Multidimensionality of autonomy in universities and higher education (September 14-15, 2018, University of Szczecin)




autonomy, university, higher education, debate


The article presents  central issues discussed during international conference «Crises of autonomy in universities and higher education». The conference was carried out at University of Szczecin, Poland (14-15th September 2018), which has a 25 years long tradition in organizing conferences on higher education. Researchers from Poland, Italy, Lithuania, Ukraine and Great Britain participated in the debate what enabled to show the problems from global perspective. The author mainly refers to the essence of academic autonomy along with its specific features as they were formulated by conference participants.  She pointed out dynamics and multidimensionality. Autonomy is not unequivocally positive phenomenon what was time and again  underlined at the conference, therefore it release various challenges and threats. The author presents them together with prospects of overcoming them, among them reflexivity oriented education as well as studying and researching based on three pillars: care, curiosity and community.

Author Biography

Anna Murawska, University of Szczecin

Doctor of pedagogy (hab.), associate professor;  deputy director of Institute of Pedagogy, the head of Department of Theory of Education; long-term member of Polish Educational Research Association; Editor-in-Chief of Journal “Pedagogika Szkoły Wyższej” (“Pedagogy of Higher Education”)


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Nussbaum, M. (1997) Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Harvard University Press.

Stern, L. J. (2018) A Philosophy of Schooling: Care and Curiosity in Community. London: Palgrave.

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Abstract views: 2195



How to Cite

Murawska, A. (2018). Multidimensionality of autonomy in universities and higher education (September 14-15, 2018, University of Szczecin). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 23(2), 259–264.



Academic Life



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