Application of the institutional approach in the problem field of the philosophy of education


  • Valentyna Volodymyrivna Sahuichenko Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education (Dnipro)



philosophy of education, educational institutions, culture, development, transformation


Purpose. The study is purposed to determine the civilization-significant trends in the development of educational institutions and the cultural forms of their organization in modern sociocultural contexts.

Research methods. The research was carried out within the framework of the neoinstitutional approach to the analysis of the structures of modern education using the system-theoretical method introduced by N. Luhmann and developed by his followers, and the methodological foundations of synergetics. In analyzing the organizational and cultural forms of educational institutions, a phenomenological method is preferred, complemented by methods of historical genetic and structural-functional analysis. The cultural and anthropological component of the study, especially the task of justifying the conditions of the universality of educational institutions, required the involvement of hermeneutic and dialectical methods in its methodological program, as well as methods of anthropological interpretation and anthropological reduction.

Theoretical basis. The author proceeds from the unsatisfactory vision of the transformations of educational institutions in Ukraine that occurred during the years of independence and focused primarily on the search for alternative forms of education, rather than on strengthening the competitiveness of the national education system, which sprays its resources and promotes social stratification of society. The destruction of the image of Ukrainian education acquires a systemic character, weakens educational institutions, destructively affects the world of life of institutions and deforms pedagogical relations.

Scientific novelty. The author proves the need to develop, on the basis of an integrated methodology, the procedural concept of educational institutions, the transformation of which takes place not only outside, but also according to the internal logic of their organizational and cultural forms, and provides educational contingent reforms.

Conclusions. The theory of modern educational institutions should explore not only their functional potential, but also predict the moments of their dysfunctionality, the dialectic of stabilization and destabilization of the education system as a result of its institutional changes. In contrast to the study of the self-organization of educational institutions in modern cultural and social anthropology of the biologically compensatory direction, the transition from statics to the procedural understanding of educational institutions makes it possible to consider them as conditions, resources and practices of self-transcendence of man, society and culture, and pathology, if institutionalized traditionalism emerges beyond the self-sufficiency of tradition and instead of creative self-realization of personality suggests using mechanisms of social and cultural cloning.

Author Biography

Valentyna Volodymyrivna Sahuichenko, Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education (Dnipro)

Doctor of Philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Sahuichenko, V. V. (2018). Application of the institutional approach in the problem field of the philosophy of education. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 23(2), 118–133.






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