Education is a Space of Freedom

Review of the monograph “Philosophy of Didactics: Context, Strategies, Practices” by Svitlana Hanaba (2015)


  • Nataliya Kochubey National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


philosophy of didactics, education, pedagogy, personality, development


The basic ideas of the monograph “Philosophy of Didactics: Contexts, Strategies Practices” by S.O.Hanaba are examined in the article. The author presents the conceptual and of sociocultural model of philosophy of didactics as a new direction of study. The philosophical concept of didactics as a theory of learning in the context of new sociocultural and discursive practices is based on such positions: understanding the educational space as an open, complex, rhizomatic system which is in the process of self-transformation and self-becoming; recognition the knowledge as a source of personal transformation; understanding a human as a complex, communicative, competent personality, which is capable to transform himself/herself in the “space of flows” and “timeless time” (M. Castells); understanding of education as a space of freedom; recognition of the inherent value of personal experience and life practice. The possible directions of didactics reorientation are proposed in the book. Among them are: the orientation on constructive and creative approach to learning; overcoming authoritarian style of teaching and transition to interactive collaboration in learning; use of a set of open, non-linear teaching methods aimed at developing and transformation of personality; rethinking an individual existing life experience and worldview orientation; recognizing the communicative nature of education, personality and knowledge 

Author Biography

Nataliya Kochubey, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor


Abstract views: 310



How to Cite

Kochubey, N. (2015). Education is a Space of Freedom: Review of the monograph “Philosophy of Didactics: Context, Strategies, Practices” by Svitlana Hanaba (2015). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 16(1), 263–267. Retrieved from






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