Human Person in Post-non-classical Scientific World-Picture


  • Iurii Mielkov Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


post-non-classical science, philosophy of science, the observer, humandimensionality, subjectness of knowledge


The article is dedicated to the investigation of the status of human person in the world-picture peculiar to the post-non-classical science that has human-dimensionality as one of its major features. Human person appears in the process of scientific knowledge not as just rational cognizing subject but as a human personality per se, in all the fullness of its qualities, identities, and manifestations. According to the post-non-classical type of scientific rationality, scientific knowledge possesses inherent subjectness as it is being carried out from a specific position and in a certain perspective – however, such a feature does not contradict to the scientific objectivity as the epistemological ideal of science, as ‘subjectness’ is not identical to ‘subjectivity’. In its turn, the world as it appears in front of scientific knowledge, is found to be a collection of all events that happen inside the limits of a horizon accessible to the observer – the subject of knowledge who resides at the center of this world. The notion of ‘the observer’ was an apt definition for the status of human subject under the classical type of scientific rationality. Non-classical paradigm transforms the subject by turning it into the actor – even if he or she still remains outside of the results of scientific knowledge, those results are found to be determined by the means of his or her activity. Finally, under the perspective of post-non-classical science, the subject of knowledge obtains the status of meta-observer, who is able to creatively evaluate what he or she observes – and constitute an image of the world based on that evaluation. If the classical observer was in fact alienated from what he or she observes, appearing as a side spectator of the events that happen without any relation to his or her will, then the meta-observer combines the position of the outer spectator with that of the insider, who is interested in those events and feels some affection for the world.

Author Biography

Iurii Mielkov, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Dr. Hab., Ph.D., Chairman of Philosophy Department


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How to Cite

Mielkov, I. (2015). Human Person in Post-non-classical Scientific World-Picture. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 17(2), 222–234. Retrieved from






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