Must Philosophy be Mass doesn't it?


  • Maria Predeina



criticism, philosopher, simpletons, not simpletons, dogma, deconstruction, episteme, friendly alliance, university


The articles is based on the existence of a kind of gap between a philosopher and students. Future engineers and even journalists live in other system of ideals. The aim of author is not reasoning in the categories «of due», but study that, why students criticize philosophy. The are two groups of critics – simpletons and non-simpletons. A simpletons criticizes because a philosopher destroys the world clarity. A non-simpletons criticizes because sometimes a philosopher teaches the dogmas. Both criticisms determine the attitude toward a deconstruction. For a philosopher it would be easier to follow the demands of the simpletons and to revive a dogma. But in this case philosophy would be converted into ideology. Therefore a philosopher must answer upon requests non-simpletons: teach (and to learn) to freedom of thinking, ability to look at the generally accepted from the unusual point of view.

Author Biography

Maria Predeina

 candidate of philosophical sciences, journalist, wrote for, «Grushevskogo, 5».


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How to Cite

Predeina, M. (2017). Must Philosophy be Mass doesn’t it?. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 20(1), 246–256.






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