Normativity of the Subject and the Problems of Education


  • Violeta Skitach
  • Olexandr Perig


subject, subjectivity, philosophy of education, post-modern understanding of the subject, polysubject sociality


This article is focused on the existence foundations for mediation between philosophical consciousness and subjectivity and subject-forming field by means of education. The main intentions of education subject problematization have been studied. The Aristotelian philosophy assumes the general normalization for problematization of education subject. However the Later Christian philosophy does not provide any problematization of education subject. In modern philosophy the above mentioned intentions result in the
formation of subject opposition, i.e. to humanism and individual opposition, i.e. to individualism. The formation of humanism and individualism also results in the various negative consequences. In modern philosophy there are the attempts to combat these negative consequences by the combination the principle of private autonomy with intersubjectivity requirement where private autonomy principle assumes independence with respect to any other and intersubjectivity requirement recognizes the presence of general rules.
Authors of the present article address the consequences of the postmodern understanding of subject as one, who demonstrates particular concern on self-care. Authors substantiate the disruptiveness of such subject concept for modern Ukrainian education and society as a whole. Authors derive equilibrium between emphases on the subjectivity, individual self-expression and normalization of education subject less within intersubjectivity, which well represented in modern education in the form of the models of interactive
education, than in the context of polysubject sociality.


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How to Cite

Skitach, V., & Perig, O. (2013). Normativity of the Subject and the Problems of Education. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 13(2). Retrieved from






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