Humanistic potential of the new educational paradigm in realities of the modern anthropological crisis


  • Mariana Kolotylo


educational paradigm, technocracy and humanism, anthropological crisis, critical thinking, culture creation, cultural-forming educational paradigm.


The article is devoted to the problem of understanding the conceptual foundations in the formation of a new educational paradigm in the realities of the current information age. Determining intercommunication between logic of flowing of educational processes in a historical prospect and features of socio-cultural development of civilization epochs, an author determines two leading paradigms: world view, incident to agrarian society and rationalism as a reflection of educational necessities of industrial age. Instead, the modern information age, marked by the progressive course of globalization and value crisis  actualizes the need to form the modern paradigm of innovative character education
that is designed to perform effective mechanism to counteract further utilitarianism and technocracy social life and overcome the complex global issues of our civilization. Defining anthropological crisis as a result of the technocratic thinking of a person, justified a necessity of humanistic orientation of modern educational paradigm that assumes, first of all, the development of critical creative potential of the person. The possibilities for realization of humanistic potential are considered by the author in the space of cultural-forming paradigm of education. 


Abstract views: 339



How to Cite

Kolotylo, M. (2013). Humanistic potential of the new educational paradigm in realities of the modern anthropological crisis. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 13(2). Retrieved from






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