Integration of Religious and Spiritual Elements in the System of Ukrainian National Education.


  • Iryna Voytyuk


religion, education, spiritual elements, modern society


The article deals with the problems of reforming the national education system — in particular, integration of religious and spiritual elements in it. The analysis of modern confessional and religious situation in Ukraine is made. It has been found that the level of inter-confessional communication has an argumentative nature. The experience of foreign countries in this area is considered and the state of religious freedoms in these countries and in Ukraine, based on statistics analyses and historical facts, is compared. Taking into consideration the historical European experience, the author analyzes the philosophical aspect of the problem. Interesting approaches to the teaching Basis of Religion, which are
divided into three main groups, are highlighted. The first group includes countries where there is no religious education at schools (France, Hungary). The second group represents the countries where religious education is considered to be non-confessional and state-controlled (UK, Nordic countries, predominantly Protestant). The third group of countries renders lawful the cooperation of church and state in the field of religion (confessional) education (Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Portugal). The article demonstrates the possibility of a certain harmony between the principles of freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, rights and freedoms of citizens taking experience of Great Britain as an example.  In the present analysis of contemporary religious situation in Ukraine and ideological foundations of educational strategies the fact of a significant advantage in the matter of religious doctrine components implementation in the modern educational system is stated, especially such step would allow to
strengthen the level of spiritual and moral condition of the citizens of our society.


Abstract views: 314



How to Cite

Voytyuk, I. (2012). Integration of Religious and Spiritual Elements in the System of Ukrainian National Education. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 11(1-2). Retrieved from






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