The Formation of Human-geo-kosmodimensional Thinking in Engineering Education


  • Irina Gerasimova Russian Academy of Sciences



synergetics of education, complexity, global risks, transdisciplinarity, convergence of humanitarian and technical, self-education, the art of thinking


Globalisation processes covering a planetary nature, and the planetary community, create new problems of synergetics education. Threats increasing global risks are forcing the scientific community to shift towards cooperation and joint solution of planetary problems. In this paper the author develops the idea of forming a multidimensional thinking, appropriate to the future of civilization. The concept of convergence is used as key to the integration of humanitarian and technological in engineering education. The author develops the idea of transdisciplinary approach in training specialists for higher education. New approaches in the formation of the methodological thinking in the project activities offer, the main characteristics of which will be the ability to anticipate risks.

Author Biography

Irina Gerasimova, Russian Academy of Sciences

PhD in philosophy, chief scientific researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Department of philosophy and socio-political technologies, Gubkin Russian state University of oil and gas (national research University)


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How to Cite

Gerasimova, I. (2017). The Formation of Human-geo-kosmodimensional Thinking in Engineering Education. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 20(1), 79–96.






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