New Ukrainian school: an attempt of philosophical and anthropological comprehension




transformation of the human phenomenon, transhumanitarian meth¬odology, complex thinking, a new Ukrainian teacher, state educational policy, educa¬tional paradigm, global competence


Attention is shifted to the educational concept of the “New Ukrainian School” on the basis of philosophical anthropology, “humaneness” of educational cogni­tion and the need for a new approach to the phenomenon of man, in particular, overcoming the methodology of anthropocentrism. The main collisions of anthro­pocentrism are highlighted and the need for refusal from this ideological and meth­odological principle in the design of educational strategies and practices is shown. Under the conditions of the emergence of a new anthropo-social structure, which is characterized the emergence of a new period of development of human civiliza­tion, the problem of forming a new teacher is actualized. The position of the new Ukrainian teacher as the master of the trajectory of the person‘s life path (from the child to the young man), which is in an unbalanced condition, is substantiated. It is shown that being in conditions of civilizational uncertainty dooms a person to social uncertainty, strengthens passivity, which leads to indifference. However, thanks to education, self-organizing and self-developing, the individual takes pos­session of modern scientific knowledge and global competencies, can take care of his existence, confront the destructive tendencies of oligarchic neo-feudalism, predict the nature of the flow of social and cultural processes, independently solve his problems and be a successful subject. The author connects the solution of the key problem of the state educational policy - improving the quality of knowledge - with the research project of developing general secondary education institutions on the basis of the transhumanitarian methodology, reinforced by a new philo­sophical anthropology, philosophy of complexity, self-organization, instability and creative thinking. To overcome the educational crisis of critical reflection, not only the idea of a new Ukrainian school is required, a reform of thinking is necessary. The interpretation of the significance of the new way of thinking for forming new content of education, new educational programs and models is deepened.

Author Biography

Viktor Mykolayovych Dovbnya

Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-chancellor for scientific and pedagogical work at Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after K.D. Ushinksy (Ukraine).


Abstract views: 853



How to Cite

Dovbnya, V. M. (2018). New Ukrainian school: an attempt of philosophical and anthropological comprehension. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 22(1), 240–258.






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