Superman as a Phenomenon of Contemporary Culture: Actual Transformations


  • Julia Shichanina


The article is devoted to studying the idea of Superman in mass consciousness. The author analyzed the most popular images of contemporary super-heroes by identifying their invariant features and following up the evolution of Superman's collective image. The research shows that Superman's image is not only an archetype of modern hero, but it also reflects the expectation and hope of a contemporary individual: becoming invulnerable, getting super-resources (prominent talent, appearance, power, strength, will etc.) and high intensity of emotional life. The Superman has to be recognizable; he is not just a superman, but he is a simple guy that is not alien to daily problems. Since Superman is related to everyday human consciousness, he embodies the perfection of skills, abilities, and means to minimize the human difficulties. However, certain evolution of Superman's image can be traced in contemporary mass culture. The Superman becomes super-humane — he is a disciple, or follower. To win he uses not only the technical equipment, but also the power of his mind. Remarkable, there is a demand for a Superwoman that means the transformation of traditional women's image.


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How to Cite

Shichanina, J. (2006). Superman as a Phenomenon of Contemporary Culture: Actual Transformations. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 5(3). Retrieved from






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