Non-classical Approaches to the Reflection over Legitimacy Problems in the Context of Social Science Development


  • Mykola Tur


Essence of philosophical approach, applying it to any socially important object, lies in explication of its vitally important sense. If a phenomenon of education is seen in this light, an eventual sense is more often comprehended in its functional dimension – to spread the reasonable, kind, eternal. Therefore, philosophy of education is connected with the vital reference points as eventual principles of social institutes’ (senses’) legitimacy, styles of life and social practices. But the contemporary paradigm of education is still keeping intentions of the Age of Enlightenment, mainly the classical type of rationality. In practice of social science’s and the humanities’ teaching there is still dogmatism in the
interpretation of life values, essence of human being peculiarity, social processes and institutes regardless the development of social science’s logic with a change of philosophical paradigms. The article presents a methodological analysis of legitimacy problems in the context of general methodology of social science development and its transformation in transition from classical to non-classical ideal of rationality. On philosophical level it corresponds with a change of paradigm from philosophy of comprehension (epistemological paradigm) to communicative philosophy. Creation of the necessary prerequisites of social institutes’ communicative model is analyzed in the framework of philosophy of practice, German historizm and neokant, sociological normativizm of Max Weber.


Abstract views: 329



How to Cite

Tur, M. (2006). Non-classical Approaches to the Reflection over Legitimacy Problems in the Context of Social Science Development. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 4(2). Retrieved from






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