Third Birth оf Synergetics


  • Vladimir Grigorievich Budanov Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Moscow)



interdisciplinarity, synergetics, convergent technologies, big data, technological structure, digital economy, methodology of science


The author observed the stages of synergetics development as far as the prospect of its new upgrading - synergetics of the third wave in the context of the VI technological structure formation. New foundations of interdisciplinarity, socialization and ethos of science in modern conditions, methodological problems of working with big data and problems of interdisciplinary “therapy” are also discussed.

Author Biography

Vladimir Grigorievich Budanov, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Moscow)

Dr habil. in Philosophy, Professor, Chief scientific researcher, Head of the sector of interdisciplinary problems of scientific and technological development


Budanov, V. G. (2015). Transdisciplinary discourses of postnonclassics: cognition, communication, self-organization in the anthroposphere. In V. Bazhanov, & R. V. Scholz (Ed.), Transdisciplinarity in philosophy and science: approaches, problems, perspectives. Moscow [In Russian].

Budanov, V.G. (2015). Transdisciplinary discourses of postnonclassics: cognition, communication, self-organization in the anthroposphere. In V. Bazhanov, & R. V. Scholz (Ed.), Transdisciplinarity in philosophy and science: approaches, problems, perspectives. Moscow [In Russian].

Arshinov, V. I., Aseeva, I. A., Budanov, V. G., Grebenshchikova, E. G., Grimov, O. A., Kamensky, E. G., … Chekletsov, V. V.(2015). Socio-anthropological measurements of convergent technologies. Methodological aspects: Collective monograph. Kursk: University book [In Russian].

Arshinov, V. I. & Budanov V. G. (2015). Quantum-complexity paradigm. Interdisciplinary context. Kursk: University book. [In Russian].

Budanov, V. G. (2009). Methodology of synergetics in postnonclassical science and in education. M.: URSS (3rd ed.) [In Russian].

Stochik, A. M., Zatravkin S. N. & Stepin V. S. (2015). To the history of the emergence of nonclassical natural science: the revolution in medicine in the late XIXth century. Voprosy philosofii, 5. [In Russian].


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How to Cite

Budanov, V. G. (2017). Third Birth оf Synergetics. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 21(2), 57–70.






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