Polish realistic philosophy of the twentieth century and its educational implications





Polish realistic philosophy, neothomism, anthropology of education, ethics, philosophy of education, pedagogical implications, personality


Polish Thomism has developed an original philosophy of education and pedagogy (Stefan Kunowski, Jacek Woroniecki, Feliks Wojciech Bednarski, Mieczysław Gogacz and others), which correspond to particular varieties of this philosophy. In traditional thomism emphasis is placed on education of virtue. In exsistential Thomism philosophers focus on “becoming a man”, to achieve full humanity, and in consistent Thomism philosophers focus on the effect of education and the issues of personal relationships and standards of education. Thomistic Pedagogy is the study of the choices in the principles of education. That’s why M. Gogacz believes that „there is only the philosophical education”. On the basis of recent studies in this field I carried away the impression that classic division designated by Plato's philosophy (idealism) and Aristotle (realism), can also be adopted for the purposes in the classification of education and upbringing theory. Through the analysis on idealistic and realistic anthropology and ethics I have attempted to show that a realistic paideia is still current and should be re-read. Novelty of this work is to "enter" the existing among pedagogues and philosophers standards of education into a specified philosophy of esse and resulting from it philosophy of man and ethics focused on protecting people and the theory of speech of the heart (sermo cordis). In my opinion, this is an innovative approach to the education and philosophy of education, and pedagogical implications arising from the so-understood recognition of man, his cognition and behavior may prove to befruitful on the pedagogical and educational level. All that is required by realism at the level of education are proper arrangements among educational strategies and the determination of who is a man.

Author Biography

Mikołaj Krasnodębski, State Higher Vocational School (Głogów, Poland)

habilitated doctor of philosophy, associate professor.

He published, among others: Soul and body (Warsaw 2004), Man and paideia (Warsaw 2008 and 2009), In search of spiritual elegance (Chicago-Warsaw 2011), Outline of the history of the Athenian history of education (Warsaw 2011), Integralna anthropologia education (Białystok 2013) ), Pedagogical thought of neo-scholasticism and neotomism (scientific editor of the volume, Warsaw 2014), New school - new teacher (ed. Z. T. Stankiewicz, M. Lejzerowicz, Warsaw 2014), Anthropology of education - selected apories in the light of classical philosophy (Głogów 2018). Initiator and editor-in-chief of the "Scientific Papers of the Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa - Pedagogical Series" (yearbook). 10 numbers have been released. Currently he is the editor of the annual Paideia. Member of Polish and foreign scientific societies. He conducts research and lectures on the history of philosophy, philosophical anthropology and the philosophy of education. He collaborates with the Polish Radio in Chicago. For his scientific achievement in the form of his habilitation thesis, he was awarded the Medal of the Society of Philosophical Pedagogy.


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Gogacz, M. (1993). Fundamentals of education. Niepokalanów: Publishing House of the Franciscan Fathers. [In Polish].

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How to Cite

Krasnodębski, M. (2021). Polish realistic philosophy of the twentieth century and its educational implications. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 27(1), 98–123. https://doi.org/10.31874/2309-1606-2021-27-1-6






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