The archetypal character of the educational activity of person: social and philosophical analysis




archetype, educational activity of personality, socio-philosophical analysis, information society, social role


The article analyzes the problems of modern educational activities in the context of the socio-philosophical analysis of the specifics of the information society. The problems of “self-development” and “self-presentation” of a personality are raised in the context of their interpretation in the context of the current situation of social transitivity. The position of eliminating educational institutions from educational processes, the threat of creating the phenomenon of education without a pedagogical component is considered as problematic. The "traditional" and "innovative" accents in the socio-philosophical discourse of education are compared, their semantic connotations are presented. The necessity of maintaining the balance of archetypal-educational functionality is substantiated, which consists in the formation of a system of socialization actions through a complex of educational levels, which have archetypal meaning expressed by special functions. The scientific novelty of the research is the schematic comparison of the functional characteristics of the archetype with the tasks of different levels of education as an orientation towards different potencies of the personality. In particular, the social functions of archetypes (in the author's three-component concept), the archetypal typology and schematics of E. Berne, C.-G. Jung and M. Mark and M. Pearson were compared with the tasks and meanings of the levels of education (primary, secondary and secondary special, higher), there are three functions of education, closely determined by the archetypal meanings of pedagogical activity. At the same time, a scheme is proposed in which the orientational-coordinating, stereotyping-normative and integrative-systematizing archetypal components form the tasks and functions of education: correlation, correctional and compensatory. The purpose of the article is to identify stable functions, principles, elements that, in any reform of the educational sphere, in particular, pedagogical, should be preserved, since they constitute the semantic foundations of its existence as a social institution of personality development. These are recognized as the unity of training and education, the unity of the past, present and future as organic links in the transfer of social experience and the preservation of social memory. Accordingly, six archetypes of educational activities are identified.

Author Biography

Alla Makarova, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

 Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Religious Studies, Faculty of Psychology


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How to Cite

Makarova, A. (2021). The archetypal character of the educational activity of person: social and philosophical analysis. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 27(1), 80–97.






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