Transdisciplinarity: Post-non-classical Point of View


  • Lidiya Bogataya Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov University


transdisciplinarity, post-non-classics, transdisciplinary subject, recursive method, intensive evolution, universe


Based on post-non-classical tradition presented by the works of the Russian philosopher L.P.Kiyaschenko the phenomenon of transdisciplinarity is analyzed in the given article. It is concluded that post-non-classics is not only multidisciplinary niche for exploring of synergistic concepts, various problems of complexity The most important conceptual constructs, for example, the types of scientific rationality (V.S.Stepin) were formulated within post-non-classics. Understanding these constructs has promoted the formation and development of a special “recursive” method (E.Moren, V.I.Arshinov, V.S.Stepin), that can be applied to the analysis of transdisciplinarity. This method is considered as one of the first step towards clarifying ideas about the intensive evolution (E.Laslo). The thematic lines of philosophy of transdisciplinarity are fixed. The first theme is developed in thecontext of a transdisciplinary study of complex subject. The second theme is formed as a result of new thinking, the nontotalitarian approaches to the understanding theintegrity. The third theme is connected with the development of transdisciplinarity ontology (TD ontology). In this regard, we discussed the practice of intellectual conceptualization of universe by philosopher, the result of which is identifying a new group urgent universals.

Author Biography

Lidiya Bogataya, Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov University

doctor of philosophical sciences, associate professor of culturology department, Faculty of Philosophy


Abstract views: 337



How to Cite

Bogataya, L. (2015). Transdisciplinarity: Post-non-classical Point of View. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 16(1), 168–182. Retrieved from






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