From demographic crisis to prosperity: Ukrainian students are the key to success




Demographic crisis, youth policy, the structure of society, depopulation, social potential, educational policy


The article analyzes the demographic situation in Ukraine in comparison with European countries. Features, forms of manifestation nd causes of the demographic crisis in modern Ukraine are shown. It is established that the situation with demographic potential is especially critical in Ukrainian society. It is substantiated that the current demographic situation is characterized by depopulation trends, declining birth rates, increased mortality, reduced life expectancy. Among the main factors contributing to the deteriorating demographic situation in the country are economic (low wages and pensions, inflation, constantly rising tariffs for housing and communal services, electricity, gas), social (unsatisfactory housing conditions for young people, high unemployment, deteriorating public health, declining health care), political (political instability, political risks, incomplete changes in the management system, inconsistency of public administration mechanisms with management goals, copying other people's reforms, lack of clear idea and integrated (comprehensive) reform strategy), state- managerial (with solving the problems of self-organization, ie overcoming the inconsistencies of the state of public administration and civil society to the modern world level and the requirements of their organization and functioning, as well as problems of improving the subject-object relations, management regime). The influence of migration processes among young people on the development of society is determined. It is substantiated that the demographic problem is a public administration problem. It is noted that one of the factors in increasing the role of youth in state-building processes and social development is the system of higher education. Public policies (demographic, youth, education) need to be more effective.

Author Biographies

Oleh Zubchyk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Philosophy

Olha Zubchyk, Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Social Work and Practical Psychology

Maksim Lynchenko, Central Ukrainian National Technical University

PhD in Philosophy, an associate professor at Department of History, Archeology, Information and Archives affairs


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Abstract views: 406



How to Cite

Zubchyk, O., Zubchyk, O., & Lynchenko, M. (2021). From demographic crisis to prosperity: Ukrainian students are the key to success. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 27(1), 42–56.






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