The Confrontation Still Continues... Summary and Analytic Review of the report of the Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)


  • Tatiana Matusevych National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


gender, gender inequality, gender mainstreaming, feminism, London School of Economics and Political Science


This article provides an overview and analysis of the main provisions and recommendations contained in the report “Confronting gender inequality» prepared by the Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Exploring the specified report, author continues the discussion started in the journal “Philosophy of Education» №1 for 2014 on heterogeneity and ambiguity of the main directions of praxeological conceptualization and implementation of gender mainstreaming, activation of ambivalent characteristics of these processes. In this context the article highlights and analyzes the major trends that are both crucial for gender movement at United Kingdom and distinguish it from national Ukrainian gender mainstreaming. These trends are as follows: radicalism, praxeological orientation, lack of LGBT issues in the discussions, and the dominance of feminist discourse. It is concluded that decisiveness, activism and praxeological orientation are the main features of the recommendations presented by the Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power. This experience is particularly productive in terms of its extrapolation to the Ukrainian realities.

Author Biography

Tatiana Matusevych, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

PhD in Philosophy of Education, lecturer


Abstract views: 333



How to Cite

Matusevych, T. (2015). The Confrontation Still Continues. Summary and Analytic Review of the report of the Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 16(1), 212–219. Retrieved from






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