Contemporary Educational Paradigm in the Context of Social and Cultural Changes


  • Olga Astafeva


The article is devoted to the problem of transformation the values and meanings in the context of globalization where the mentioned issues is viewed as basis for developing a new educational paradigm. Some approaches have been suggested to reassess the education as a social and cultural institute, its functions and role in personality’s development.
It has been pointed out at contradiction between two main tendencies – unification and standardization –which follow the globalization. It is argued not only to maintain the dynamics of innovative projects regarding the reorganization and reformation of a system but to control the falling-off the traditions, in particular through standardization of an educational process and technologies, unification of information and programming. The complexity and diversity of cultural and educational practices stipulates the existence of value-meaning and organizationstructural core, the aim of which is to create a present-day pattern of world as a ground for collective identity that contributes to stability in a society and education.
By considering the education as a national project the author puts forward the strategy of innovative development based on bringing together the mechanisms of self-organization and management of all sections of social-cultural area. The author analyses two alternative strategies in the context of globalization – «market model» and «cultural model» – and points specifically at the multi-aspect efficiency of the last one. In this sense the problems of identity in a society of knowledge («educated identity»), virtualization of educational area, and professional and personality’s social-cultural competence are examined.


Abstract views: 343



How to Cite

Astafeva, O. (2007). Contemporary Educational Paradigm in the Context of Social and Cultural Changes. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 6(1). Retrieved from






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